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Travel Rewards

While a large percentage of American companies use group incentive travel to reward and recognize top performers or customers, today more and more companies prefer to use individual travel awards.

The reason is simple. The travel preferences of people have changed significantly.

  • With the increase of two-income families, people have less flexibility in their schedules, so they can't always travel when the group is scheduled to go.
  • There are a lot more experienced travelers out there who don't want to go to the same place twice.
  • People get so busy they would prefer to have the chance to getaway and reconnect with their significant other or family.

Other reasons to choose Individual Incentive Travel

  • People feel that after working so hard they are entitled to go where, when and with whom they choose.
  • Having your entire group of winners participate in the same itinerary at the same time may not work for your company. Most sales managers do not want the best and brightest of the sales force out of the office at the same time.
  • As far as cost, individual travel awards generally costs less than group trips and have a less per-employee price tag.

The Challenge and Solution

Individual Travel Awards can also be much more challenging to fulfill than merchandise or cash rewards. Because of the nature of the travel industry, airlines, hotels and other vendors often change their prices to reflect last minute inventory, seasonal rates and occupancy.

So how can you budget for individual travel awards?

We created the ultimate solution:
The Travel Reward Card.

The Travel Reward Card is a turn-key individual incentive travel award card that allows you to deliver precisely the travel reward that was promised at the cost you budgeted. It allows your recipients to redeem their card online for the travel experience of their choice so they can travel where, when, and with whom they choose.

Travel Rewards

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