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Power Your Program With Incentel™

Frosch Rewards & Incentives' on-line solution, Incentel™, combines the most current incentive rewards with technology intelligence. This solution allows participants to earn points for achieving goals determined by the corporate sponsor, and participants can redeem their award points for millions of reward options such as today's latest models, CDs, books, DVDs, and much more.

Put your program online and save the cost of printing and mailing catalogs, statements and program materials.

Easy Access for Reward Program Participants

Each program has its own dedicated URL, where participants may access a secure site via a unique User Name and Password that will allow each participant to review program rules, check the point balance in individual program accounts, search millions of award options, and select and order awards on-line. Accounts will be automatically debited for the number of points required to redeem requested awards.

Control and Customize Your Own Site

Administrators can decide how many points to reward for a desired behavior and distribute those points in real time. As the program administrator, you can oversee the program and make real-time changes. You can choose to customize the site with your company logo or even have it linked to your company website.

Manage, communicate and reward your participants in real-time!

Choose from Three Different Levels
of Online Incentive Solutions

Incentel Lite
Although Incentel Lite is the introductory level to our online incentive solutions, you will get a solid, basic program that will enable you to be up and running in a matter of days at a cost you can afford.
Incentel Max
At this intermediate level, you will have all the components of Incentel Lite, PLUS many additional benefits.
Incentel Custom
No two incentive programs are the same. This advanced level of Incentel can be fully customized specifically around your organization's objectives and budget needs.
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